FREE Movie Rental At Fandango For Xfinity Members (Rewards Required)
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Score a free Fandango at-home movie rental through Xfinity Rewards for a limited time only! Enjoy the perfect movie night from the comfort of home with your choice of the latest digital releases from Fandango’s extensive collection. Check out the simple steps below to claim this entertaining freebie and start planning your next movie night.
How to get your free Fandango movie rental:
- Visit Xfinity Rewards by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
- Sign in to your Xfinity account and navigate to the Rewards page.
- Click “Enjoy a movie of your choice” to get your free Fandango rental code.
- Redeem your code on Fandango for a free at-home movie rental.
* US only. Xfinity subscription required. Must be an Xfinity Rewards member. Offer may change at any time. Digital redemption only.
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