30-Day FREE Audiobooks Trial  

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Try a free 30-day trial of Audiobooks now and enjoy 3 free audiobooks! This great offer includes any 2 books free, plus a bonus VIP book. Audiobooks offers 300,000+ best sellers, new releases, and classic favorites; gives you access to 100+ million podcast episodes, and access to 10,000+ free audiobooks. You can also switch seamlessly between devices without losing your place in your book, and listen anyplace, anytime with offline listening or stream instantly over WIFI or 4G (choice of wifi-only mode to save data if needed).

Please note: This becomes a billed subscription of only $14.95/month after the free trial. You can keep your subscription going, or cancel anytime obligation-free.

How to signup:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Hit “Signup Free”.
  3. Proceed with Apple, Amazon, Google or email.
  4. Enter all required details including card/ payment details.
  5. Hit “Start Free Trial” and enjoy!
  6. This becomes a billed subscription after the trial period. Use Google Calendar so that you can evaluate whether you will keep the subscription or cancel in time to not be billed.

 * Limited time offer. For new members only. Full terms and conditions apply. Image for representative purposes only.

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