2 FREE Orajel Kids’ Toothpastes at Walmart + Earn A Profit (Swagbucks Required)
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Right now you can score 2 free Orajel Kids’ Toothpastes plus a profit when you head to Walmart for your purchase, then keep your receipt to submit to Swagbucks for cashback that earns you a small profit too!
Please note: It’s best to always activate your rebate offers before heading in-stores and making a purchase.
How to get this free toothpastes:
- Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
- Buy 2 Orajel Kids Toothpaste for $2.52 each. Total is $5.04.
- Submit for one $8/2 Orajel Kids Toothpaste Swagbucks Cashback (800 points) to make your toothpastes free plus $2.96 profit!
* US only. Swagbucks offers may vary. Expiration varies by account and rebate.
Get This Offer
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