FREE Belle Aroma No-Mess Fragrance Tarts for Reviewers (Must Apply)

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Insiders can apply to review Belle Aroma’s No-Mess Fragrance Tarts for free now! Apply now to try this mess-free alternative to wax melt cubes for your wax warmer. The tarts provide long-lasting fragrance, are simple to use, easy to clean, and mess-free.

Please note: A wax warmer is NOT included, only the tarts. 

How to apply:

  1. Visit the company’s website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”.
  2. Scroll down and hit “Get Started”.
  3. Answer a few basic questions including if you currently own a wax warmer, if your wax warmer has multiple temperature settings, if your wax warmer has a low heat setting, and which products you currently use with your wax warmer.
  4. Agree that if chosen you would share your review to Belle Aroma Insiders.
  5. Then also note if you have an account for Amazon and Amazon Prime.
  6. Enter your name and contact details and good luck!

* US only. Applications open for a limited time only. Full terms and conditions apply.

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